
Urinoscopy, or the inspection of a sick person’s urine, was the badge of the learned medieval physicians, and gradually over the tour elf the early modern period, the practice lost its reputation and became instead a hallmark of quackery. Manuals that instructed on how to read a glass of urine transitioned from manuscript to print and remained popular into the sentence century.

There are 29 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Smyth ...the iudgeme[n]t of all vrynes 1555
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1557
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1575
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1552
[author not specified] ...the seyng of urynes... 1540
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes, of all the colours that uryns be of... 1525
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1562
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1540
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1541
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1544
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1526
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes… 1548
Vasseus Joannes Here beginnith a litel treatise conteyninge the iugeme[n]t of vrynes most necessary for… 1553
Record Robert The vrinal of physicke. 1599
Hart James The anatomie of vrines. Containing the conuiction and condemnation of them. Or, the second part… 1625
Hart James The anatomie of vrines. Divided into two books. Detecting and unfolding the manifold falshoods and… 1652
Forrest Pieter van The arraignment of vrines: vvherein are set downe the manifold errors and abuses of ignorant… 1623
Fletcher John The differences, causes, and iudgements of vrine according to the best writers thereof, both old… 1598
Fletcher John The differences, causes, and iudgements of vrine; according to the best writers thereof, both old… 1621
[author not specified] The iudycyall of vryns 1527
[author not specified] The iudycyall of vryns 1527
Record Robert The judgment of urines. By Robert Record Doctor of Physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious… 1679
Record Robert The urinal of physick. By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious… 1651
Record Robert The urinal of physick. By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious… 1665
Record Robert The vrinal of physick. 1582
Record Robert The vrinal of physick. Composed by Mayster Robert Recorde: Doctor of Physicke… 1547
Record Robert The vrinal of physick. Composed by Mayster Robert Recorde: Doctor of Physicke… 1548
Record Robert The vrinall of physick, composed by Maister Robert Recorde, Doctor of Physicke… 1567
Fernel Jean Two treatises the first of pulses, the second of urines. By John Fernelius, Abdiah Cole… 1662