Project Leaders

Mary Fissell (John Hopkins University)

Elaine Leong (MPIWG)
IT Development

Robert Casties (MPIWG)

Florian Kräutli (MPIWG)
Associate Editors

Philippa Carter (University of Cambridge)
Student Assistants

Emily J. Clark is a PhD candidate in the History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Her dissertation explores dispossessed women's productive and reproductive labors in colonial New England and the Atlantic world, with a focus on the gendered and racialized body, enslavement, intimacy, and sexuality.

Daniel Glombitza (MPIWG)
Undergraduate Research Interns

Eleanor Murphy-Weise is a junior at Wellesley College majoring in International Relations with a concentration in History and minoring in Music. She is a 2022 Albright Fellow, and her academic interests include East Asian history, Chinese economics, and contemporary opera.

Ella Mints is a rising senior at Wellesley College majoring in Art History and minoring in English. Her current research interest is eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British art.

Work Placement Student from the UCL MA/MSc in Digital Humanities
Grant Guttmann is a Digital Humanities student at University College London. Her Master's thesis focuses on the way media influence our vision of the past. She is specialized in GIS and data analysis.
Advisory Board
Kathleen Crowther (History of Science, University of Oklahoma); Frances Dolan (English, University of California, Davis); Mary Floyd-Wilson (English, University of North Carolina); Melissa Grafe (History of Medicine, Yale University); Jennifer Hellwarth (English, Allegheny College); Hillary Nunn (English, University of Akron); Lisa Smith (History, University of Essex); Olivia Weisser (History, University of Massachusetts, Boston); Elizabeth Yale (History, University of Iowa).
Past Project Member

Tillmann Taape is a historian of early modern science and medicine with an interest in distillation, vernacular medicine, and early print. He wrote his PhD thesis at Cambridge University on the published works of an expert medical craftsman, the surgeon-apothecary Hieronymus Brunschwig from Strasbourg. During his doctoral studies, Tillmann spent three summers as a Predoctoral Fellow at the MPIWG to work on the REM database. He is currently a lecturer in history and a postdoctoral scholar at the Making and Knowing Project at Columbia University.