Jorden |
Edward |
A briefe discourse of a disease called the suffocation of the mother. Written vppon occasion… |
1603 |
la Vauguion |
M. |
A compleat body of chirurgical operations, containing the whole practice of surgery. With observations and… |
1699 |
Culpeper |
Nicholas |
A directory for midwives: or A guid for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling… |
1652 |
Chamberlayne |
Thomas |
A full supply of such most useful and admirable secrets, which Mr. Nicholas Culpeper, in… |
1659 |
Pechey |
John |
A general treatise of the diseases of maids, bigbellied women, child-bed-women, and widows… |
1696 |
Oliver |
John |
A present to be given to teeming women, by their husbands, or friends. Containing directions… |
1694 |
Shirley |
John |
A short compendium of chirurgery: containing its grounds & principles, more particularly treating of impostumes, wounds… |
1683 |
Shirley |
John |
A short compendium of chirurgery: containing its grounds & principles. More particularly treating of imposthumes, wounds… |
1678 |
Blégny |
Nicholas |
A true history of a child anatomized: which remained twenty five years in his mothers… |
1680 |
Inglish |
Isabella |
Advertisement. At the Hand and Pen near the King’s Bagnio in Long-Acre, liveth Mrs… |
1690 |
[author not specified] |
Advice to ladies, gentlewomen, and others. The doctor’s wife... |
1680 |
[author not specified] |
An account of the causes of some particular rebellious distempers, viz. the scurvy, cancers in… |
1670 |
Maris |
Elizabeth |
At the Blew-Ball in Grays-Inn Lane near Holborn Barrs, next door to a… |
1700 |
Socburgh |
Willemina Sasbout van |
Beloved Reader, being lately come into this kingdom, I do according to my duty, make… |
1690 |
Guillemeau |
Jacques |
Child-birth or, The happy deliuerie of vvomen. VVherein is set downe the gouernment of… |
1612 |
Guillemeau |
Jacques |
Child-birth or, The happy delivery of vvomen. VVherein is set downe the government of… |
1635 |
Massaria |
Alessandro |
De morbis fœmineis, The womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian, enlarged. Modestly treating of such… |
1686 |
Massaria |
Alessandro |
De morbis fœmineis, The womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian, enlarged. Modestly treating of such… |
1659 |
Massaria |
Alessandro |
De morbis fœmineis, the womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian. Modestly treating of such occult… |
1657 |
Chamberlen |
Peter |
Dr. Chamberlain’s midwifes practice: or, a guide for women in that high concern of conception… |
1665 |
Trigg |
William |
Dr. Trigg’s secrets, arcana’s & panacea’s approved by his long admired experience and practice, whereby he… |
1665 |
[author not specified] |
Every woman her own midwife |
1675 |
Merry |
Nathaniel |
Evident satisfa[cti]on to the sick and lame; by Nath. Merry, student in physick… |
1682 |
Tryon |
Thomas |
Healths grand preservative: or The womens best doctor. A treatise, shewing the nature and operation… |
1682 |
Tryon |
Thomas |
Healths grand preservative: or The womens best doctor. A treatise, shewing the nature and operation… |
1682 |
[author not specified] |
In James’s-street in Covent-garden, over against the Naggs-head... |
1690 |
Trye |
Mary |
Medicatrix, or The woman-physician: vindicating Thomas O’Dowde, a chymical physician, and royal licentiate; and… |
1675 |
Tryon |
Thomas |
Miscellania: or, A collection of necessary, useful, and profitable tracts on variety of subjects, which… |
1696 |
Brown |
Thomas |
Nature’s cabinet unlock’d |
1657 |
Thomson |
George |
Ortho-methodoz itro-chymikē: or the direct method of curing chymically. Wherein is conteined [sic… |
1675 |