signs, bodily

Pulses and urines were two medical genres that transitioned into print; each was used to diagnose an individual patient’s ill-health. Other more general works also address the bodily signs of illness, to provide suggestions for therapeutics.

There are 107 books tagged with this term.
Last Name Sort descending First Name Title Date
[author not specified] The iudycyall of vryns 1527
[author not specified] ...the seyng of urynes... 1540
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1540
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1541
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1544
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes… 1548
[author not specified] The boke of knowledge 1548
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1552
[author not specified] The boke of knowledge 1555
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1557
[author not specified] A narrative of the disease and death of ... John Pym Esquire 1643
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1562
[author not specified] The plagues approved physitian. Shewing the naturall causes of the infection of the ayre, and… 1665
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1575
[author not specified] The key to vnknowne knovvledge 1599
[author not specified] The ceremonies for the healing of them that be diseased with the kings evil, used… 1686
[author not specified] Symptomes of the pox 1690