Pulses and urines were two medical genres that transitioned into print; each was used to diagnose an individual patient’s ill-health. Other more general works also address the bodily signs of illness, to provide suggestions for therapeutics.

There are 107 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1575
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1552
[author not specified] ...the seing of urynes... 1557
[author not specified] ...the seyng of urynes... 1540
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes, of all the colours that uryns be of... 1525
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1526
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1540
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1541
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1544
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes... 1562
[author not specified] ...the seynge of urynes… 1548
Smith John A compleat practice of physick. Wherein is plainly described, the nature, causes, dofferences, and signs… 1656
[author not specified] A narrative of the disease and death of ... John Pym Esquire 1643
Drouet Pierre A new counsell against the pestilence, declaring what kinde of disease it is, of what… 1578
Drage William A physical nosonomy, or, A new and true description of the law of God (called… 1664
Bradwell Stephen A vvatch-man for the pest. Teaching the true rules of preservation from the pestilent… 1625
Wood Owen An epitomie of most experienced, excellent and profitable secrets appertaining to physick and chirurgery, alphabetically… 1653
Wood Owen An epitomie of most experienced, excellent and profitable secrets appertaining to physick and chirurgery. For… 1651
Boulton Richard An examination of Mr. John Colbatch his books, viz. I. Novum lumen chirurgicum. II. Essay… 1699
Durant John Art and nature joyn hand in hand. Or, The poor mans daily companion. 1697
Croll Oswald Bazilica chymica, & Praxis chymiatricæ or Royal and practical chymistry in three treatises. Wherein all those… 1670
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both natural, pleasant, and delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel diuination… 1575
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable unto the art of chiromancie, or manuell diuination… 1633
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the art of chiromancie, or Manuell diuination… 1615
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the arte of chiromancy, or manuell diuination… 1598
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, bothe naturall, pleasaunte, and also delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel… 1558
Culpeper Nicholas Culpepers Semeiotica uranica 1658
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s semeiotica uranica: or, An astrological judgment of diseases, from the decumbiture of the sick… 1671
Charleton Walter Enquiries into human nature, in VI. anatomic prælections in the New Theatre of the Royal… 1680
Charleton Walter Enquiries into human nature, in VI. anatomic prælections in the New Theatre of the Royal… 1697