remedy, single

Many works addressed themselves to just a single remedy. Some were advertisements for a specific pill, often made only by a single provider, but others examined new remedies from the New World or Asia.

There are 346 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort ascending Date
Culpeper Nicholas The English physician or an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs 1652
Maynwaringe Everard The efficacy and extent of true purgation. Shewing, I. What this operation is; not as… 1696
Moellenbrock Valentin Andreas The curiosities of scurvy-grass. Being an exact scrutiny and careful description of the nature… 1689
Woodall John The cure of the plague by an antidote called aurum vitæ. Being well approved to… 1640
Woodall John The cure of the plague by an antidote called aurum vitæ. Being well approved to… 1640
Peter Charles The cordial tincture, prepared by Charles Peter chyrurgeon, at his bathing-house in St. Martins… 1686
Harvey Gideon The conclave of physicians. In two parts. Detecting their intrigues, frauds, and plots, against their… 1686
Harvey Gideon The conclave of physicians, detect[i]ng their intrigues, frauds, and plots, against their patients… 1683
Baker George The composition or making of the moste excellent...oleum magistrale 1574
Armuthaz Bollicosgo The coffee-mans granado discharged upon the maidens complaint against coffee 1663
Deacon John The charitable physitian his hand extended to the… 1657
Holney John The catholick or universal pill. For the cure of the scurvy, dropsy, jaundice, leprosy, Kings… 1678
Maynwaringe Everard The catholic medicine, and soverain healer. Rectifying and assisting the depraved functions, of infirm and… 1684
[author not specified] The best way of using the true salt polychrest of Messieurs Seignette of Rochel 1685
Buckworth Theophilus The approved success which you have found of those famous lozenges [?] of Mr. Theophilus Buckworth… 1660
Anthony Francis The apologie...concerning a medicine called aurum potabile… 1616
Noy Arthur The antivenereal apozem. A pleasant liquor, which in thirty days (without any other assistance) perfectly… 1675
Primerose James The antimoniall cup twice cast: or a treatise concerning the antimoniall cup, shewing the abuse… 1640
Garencières Theophilus The admirable virtues, and wonderful effects of the true and genuine tincture of coral, in… 1676
Russell John The admirable virtue of spiritus vitæ deauratus, or the golden spirit of life. This spirit… 1658
[author not specified] The admirable vertue, property and operation of the quintessence of rosemary flowers... 1615
Starkey George The admirable efficacy, and almost incredible virtue of true oyl, which is made of sulphur… 1660
Russel Eliz. That famous friendly pill, electuary, and balsam of balsams of Dr. George Jones of Hatton… 1680
Russel Eliz That famous friendly pill of Dr. George Jones of Hatton-Garden is now sold by… 1689
Barker Richard Sudorificum regale; or, The royal sudoforick 1676
[author not specified] Speedy and absolute cure for the French pox 1700
Peachi John Some observations made upon the wood called Lignum nephriticum, imported from Hispaniola: shewing its admirable… 1694
Peachi John Some observations made upon the Virginian nutts, imported from the Indies: shewing their admirable virtue… 1682
Peachi John Some observations made upon the serpent stones, imported from the Indies: shewing their admirable virtues… 1694
Skinner Some observations made upon the Russia seed, shewing its admirable virtues in curing the rickets… 1694