Chemical remedies became increasingly popular over the course the early modern period, augmenting older preparations made from plants and animal parts. Often associated with the sixteeenth-century healer Paracelsus, chemical remedies were often controversial for physicians, but popular with patients.

There are 240 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Fioravanti Leonardo ...Leonard Phioravant ... his Rationall secrets… and Chirurgery, reviewed and revived 1652
B. E. ...Panacæa aurea purpurea... 1662
[author not specified] ...true relation of one stung to death by a serpent…and perfectly cured by a wonderful medicine 1698
Stubbe Henry A Bacon-Face no beauty, or, A reply to George Thomson, pretender to physick and… 1671
Du Chesne (Quercetanus) Joseph A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus… 1591
Starkey George A brief examination and censure of several medicines, of late years extol’d for universal remedies… 1664
Rotheram R. A catalogue of chymical medicines sold by R. Rotheram... 1678
Fletcher Richard A character of a true physician; or A true chymist compared with a goose-quill… 1676
Digby Kenelm A choice collection of rare secrets and experiments in philosophy, as also rare and unheard… 1682
Case John A chymical physician. Who cures all diseases curable incident to mankind, easeth all afflicted spirits… 1695
Colbatch John A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical, viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; or… 1699
Colbatch John A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical; viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; ... II… 1700
Le Fèvre Nicaise A compendious body of chymistry: teaching the whole practice thereof by the most exact preparation… 1664
Le Fèvre Nicaise A compleat body of chymistry: vvherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to… 1670
Le Fèvre Nicaise A compleat body of chymistry: vvherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to… 1670
Le Fèvre Nicaise A compleat body of chymistry: wherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to… 1664
Wilson George A compleat course of chymistry. Containing near three hundred operations; several of which have not… 1699
Wilson George A compleat course of chymistry. Containing near three hundred operations; several of which have not… 1699
Wilson George A compleat course of chymistry. Containing near three hundred operations; several of which have not… 1700
Lémery Nicolas A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicines which are… 1698
Lémery Nicolas A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are… 1698
Lémery Nicolas A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are… 1698
Lémery Nicolas A course of chymistry. Containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are… 1686
Lémery Nicolas A course of chymistry. Containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in… 1677
Lémery Nicolas A course of chymistry. Containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in… 1680
Emes Thomas A dialogue between alkali and acid: containing divers philosophical and medicinal considerations wherein a late… 1698
Emes Thomas A dialogue between alkali and acid: containing divers philosophical and medicinal considerations, wherein a late… 1699
Rhodokanakēs Kōnstantinos A discourse in the praise of antimonie, and the vertues thereof. Written and published at… 1664
Byfield Timothy A further short account of the true sal volatile oleosum, and my panacea made from it 1697
Paracelsus A hundred and foureteene experiments and cures of the famous physitian Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus… 1596