
Surgery in the early modern period does not mean operative surgery, as it does today, but a wider range of practice focused on the exterior of the body. Surgeons dealt with wounds, swellings, discharges, broken bones, and dislocations. They were also the healers most often involved in the treatment of venereal diseases, in part due the the external’ nature of the signs.

There are 234 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Harvey Gideon ...a most memorable case of a noble-man, deceased 1685
Clowes William A briefe and necessarie treatise, touching the cure of the disease called morbus Gallicus, or… 1585
Colbatch John A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical, viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; or… 1699
Colbatch John A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical; viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; ... II… 1700
Wecker Johann Jakob A compendious chyrurgerie: gathered, & translated (especially) out of Wecker, at the request of certaine, but… 1585
Wecker Johann Jakob A compendious chyrurgerie: gathered, & translated (especially) out of Wecker, at the request of certaine, but… 1585
Fioravanti Leonardo A compendium of the rationall secretes, of the worthie knight and moste excellent doctour of… 1582
la Vauguion M. A compleat body of chirurgical operations, containing the whole practice of surgery. With observations and… 1699
Browne John A compleat treatise of preternatural tumours, both general and particular, as they appear in the… 1678
Browne John A compleat treatise of preternatural tumours, both general and particular, as they appear in the… 1678
Barbette Paul A complete treatise of chirurgery... 1674
Lowe Peter A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition… 1634
Lowe Peter A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgery. VVherein is exactly set down the definitions… 1654
Lowe Peter A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgery. VVherein is exactly set down the definitions… 1654
Lowe Peter A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition… 1612
Fioravanti Leonardo A discourse vpon chyrurgery: written by that famous doctour and knight, Signior Leonardo Phiorauanti, Bolognese… 1626
Arcaeus Franciscus A most excellent and compendious method of curing woundes in the head... 1588
Lanfranco of Milan A most excellent and learned vvoorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci, Lanfranke of Mylayne… 1565
Banister John A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of chyrurgerie... 1575
Clowes William A profitable and necessarie booke of obseruations, for all those that are burned with the… 1596
Clowes William A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the… 1637
Vicary Thomas A profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body: compyled by that excellent chirurgion, M… 1577
Clowes William A prooued practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with… 1588
Clowes William A prooued practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with… 1591
Muys John A rational practice of chyrurgery: or, Chyrurgical observations resolved according to the solid fundamentals of… 1686
Clowes William A right frutefull and approoued treatise, for the artificiall cure of that malady called in… 1602
Clowes William A short and profitable treatise touching the cure of the disease called (morbus Gallicus) by… 1579
Shirley John A short compendium of chirurgery: containing its grounds & principles, more particularly treating of impostumes, wounds… 1683
Shirley John A short compendium of chirurgery: containing its grounds & principles. More particularly treating of imposthumes, wounds… 1678
Fioravanti Leonardo A short discours of the excellent doctour and knight, maister Leonardo Phiorauanti Bolognese vppon chirurgerie… 1580