The very oldest early moderns probably reached ages not see very different to the oldest old in our own times but there were very very many fewer of them relative tot he population. Nevertheless, a range of books instructed readers on how to manage themselves and their environment so as to ensure living to a ripe old age.

There are 37 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Wingfield Henry A compendious or short treatise, gathered out of the chyefe and principall authors of phisycke… 1551
Lessius Leonardus Hygiasticon: Or, The right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age: together… 1634
Tryon Thomas Monthly observations for the preserving of health, with a long and comfortable life, in this… 1688
Tryon Thomas Monthly observations for the preserving of health, with a long and comfortable life. With proper… 1691
Starkey George Natures explication and Helmont’s vindication. Or A short and sure way to a long and… 1658
Helmont Jean Baptiste van Oriatrike or, Physick refined. The common errors therein refuted, and the whole art reformed & rectified… 1662
Mace Thomas Riddles mervels and rarities: or, A new way of health, from an old man’s experience… 1698
Gayton Edmund The art of longevity, or, A diæteticall institution. Written by Edmund Gayton, Bachelor in Physick… 1659
Bacon Roger The cure of old age, and preservation of youth 1683
Newton Thomas The olde mans dietarie. A worke no lesse learned then necessary for the preseruation of… 1586
Lessius Leonardus The temperate man, or The right way of preserving life and health, together, with soundness… 1678
Harvey Gideon The vanities of philosophy & physick 1699
Harvey Gideon The vanities of philosophy & physick: Together with directions and medicines easily prepared by any of… 1699
Harvey Gideon The vanities of philosophy and physick: together with directions and medicines easily prepared by any… 1700
Tryon Thomas The way to health, long life and happiness, or, A discourse of temperance and the… 1683
Tryon Thomas The way to health, long life and happiness: or, a discourse of temperance, and the… 1697
Tryon Thomas The way to health, long life and happiness: or, a discourse of temperance, and the… 1698
Tryon Thomas The way to health, long life and happiness: or, A discourse of temperance. and the… 1691
Tryon Thomas The way to health, long life, and happiness, or A discourse of temperance and particular… 1697
Tryon Thomas The way to health, long life, and happiness: or, A discourse of temperance, and the… 1697
Tryon Thomas Tryon’s letters, upon several occasions. Viz. 1. Of hearing. 2. Of smelling. 3. Of tasting… 1700
Maynwaringe Everard Tutela sanitatis sive Vita protracta. The protection of long life, and detection of its brevity… 1663
Maynwaringe Everard Tutela sanitatis sive Vita protracta. The protection of long life, and detection of its brevity… 1664
Maynwaringe Everard Useful discoveries, and practical observations, in some late remarkable cures of the scurvy. By E… 1668
Starkey George Via ad vitam, being a short and sure vvay to a long life. Or Helmont… 1661
Venner Tobias Via recta ad vitam longam, or A plaine philosophical discourse of the nature, faculties, and… 1620
Venner Tobias Via recta ad vitam longam, or A plaine philosophicall discovrse of the nature, faculties, and… 1622
Venner Tobias Via recta ad vitam longam, or, A plain philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and… 1638
Venner Tobias Via recta ad vitam longam, or, A plain philosophicall discourse of the nature, faculties, and… 1638
Venner Tobias Via recta ad vitam longam. 1637