
Secrets were collections of short items, including stories (often of a wondrous or startling sort); recipes for remedies; and a wide range of other items designed to amuse and instruct. The items are often arranged in what seems to be a random order.

There are 37 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Du Chesne (Quercetanus) Joseph A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus… 1591
Fioravanti Leonardo A compendium of the rationall secretes, of the worthie knight and moste excellent doctour of… 1582
Fioravanti Leonardo A discourse vpon chyrurgery: written by that famous doctour and knight, Signior Leonardo Phiorauanti, Bolognese… 1626
Fioravanti Leonardo A ioyfull iewell. Contayning aswell such excellent orders, preseruatiues and precious practises for the plague… 1579
Fioravanti Leonardo A short discours of the excellent doctour and knight, maister Leonardo Phiorauanti Bolognese vppon chirurgerie… 1580
Blagrave Joseph Blagraves astrological practice of physick discovering, the true way to cure all kinds of diseases… 1671
Lémery Nicolas Modern curiosities of art [and] nature. Extracted out of the cabinets of the most eminent… 1685
Magnus Albertus The boke of secretes 1595
[author not specified] The boke of secretes of Albartus Magnus... 1565
[author not specified] The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus... 1560
[author not specified] The booke of secretes of Albertus Magnus... 1565
[author not specified] The magick of Kirani King of Persia, and of Harpocration 1685
Bate John The mysteries of nature and art 1634
Bate John The mysteryes of nature, and art... 1634
Bate John The mysteryes of nature, and art... 1634
[author not specified] The problemes of Aristotle... 1634
[author not specified] The problemes of Aristotle... 1607
[author not specified] The problemes of Aristotle... 1595
[author not specified] The problemes of Aristotle... 1597
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle 1647
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle 1649
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle 1661
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle, with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions with… 1670
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle, with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions with… 1676
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle, with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions, with… 1682
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle, with other phylosophers and physitions. Wherein are contained divers questions with… 1666
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle... 1638
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle; with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions with… 1683
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle; with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions, with… 1676
[author not specified] The problems of Aristotle; with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions, with… 1679