Du Chesne (Quercetanus) |
Joseph |
A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus… |
1591 |
Fioravanti |
Leonardo |
A compendium of the rationall secretes, of the worthie knight and moste excellent doctour of… |
1582 |
Fioravanti |
Leonardo |
A discourse vpon chyrurgery: written by that famous doctour and knight, Signior Leonardo Phiorauanti, Bolognese… |
1626 |
Fioravanti |
Leonardo |
A ioyfull iewell. Contayning aswell such excellent orders, preseruatiues and precious practises for the plague… |
1579 |
Fioravanti |
Leonardo |
A short discours of the excellent doctour and knight, maister Leonardo Phiorauanti Bolognese vppon chirurgerie… |
1580 |
Blagrave |
Joseph |
Blagraves astrological practice of physick discovering, the true way to cure all kinds of diseases… |
1671 |
Lémery |
Nicolas |
Modern curiosities of art [and] nature. Extracted out of the cabinets of the most eminent… |
1685 |
Magnus |
Albertus |
The boke of secretes |
1595 |
[author not specified] |
The boke of secretes of Albartus Magnus... |
1565 |
[author not specified] |
The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus... |
1560 |
[author not specified] |
The booke of secretes of Albertus Magnus... |
1565 |
[author not specified] |
The magick of Kirani King of Persia, and of Harpocration |
1685 |
Bate |
John |
The mysteries of nature and art |
1634 |
Bate |
John |
The mysteryes of nature, and art... |
1634 |
Bate |
John |
The mysteryes of nature, and art... |
1634 |
[author not specified] |
The problemes of Aristotle... |
1634 |
[author not specified] |
The problemes of Aristotle... |
1607 |
[author not specified] |
The problemes of Aristotle... |
1595 |
[author not specified] |
The problemes of Aristotle... |
1597 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle |
1647 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle |
1649 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle |
1661 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle, with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions with… |
1670 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle, with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions with… |
1676 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle, with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions, with… |
1682 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle, with other phylosophers and physitions. Wherein are contained divers questions with… |
1666 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle... |
1638 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle; with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions with… |
1683 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle; with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions, with… |
1676 |
[author not specified] |
The problems of Aristotle; with other philosophers and physitians. Wherein are contained divers questions, with… |
1679 |