STREET Little Britain in London Street Street Little Britain City City London ID ID 28 Places on this street at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain, London at the two Tuns in little Britaine, London Greyhound in little Britain without Aldersgate, London litle Britayne streete, beyonde Aldersgate, London Little Britain, London printing-press in Little-Britain [over against the Pump], London the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, London the Angel and Bible in Little-Britain, London the Bell [in little Britain?], London the Bible in Little-Brittain, London the Globe in Little Brittain, London the Golden Lion in Little Britain, near the Lame Hospital Gate, London the Grey hound in Little-Britain, without Aldersgate, London the Harrow in Little-Britain, London the Star in Little-Britain, London the Three Flower-de-luces, Little Brittain, London the Two Angels and Crown, in Little Brittain, London the White-Hart in Little-Brittain, London the [Golden] Pelican in little Brit[t]ain, London the [golden] Ring in Little Britain, London