Surgery in the early modern period does not mean operative surgery, as it does today, but a wider range of practice focused on the exterior of the body. Surgeons dealt with wounds, swellings, discharges, broken bones, and dislocations. They were also the healers most often involved in the treatment of venereal diseases, in part due the the external’ nature of the signs.

The Englishemans treasure: with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent chirurgion…

Vicary, Thomas

The Englishemans treasure, or treasor for Englishmen: vvith the true anatomye of mans body, compiled…

Vicary, Thomas

Cornelius Shilander his chirurgerie. Contaning a briefe methode for the curing of woundes and ulcers…

Schilander, Cornelius

A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie, called by mee Synthetik⁻e, the part…

Read, Alexander

The chirurgicall lectures of tumors and vlcers. Delivered on Tusedayes appointed for these exercises, and…

Read, Alexander

Bevvare of pick-purses. Or a caueat for sick folkes to take heede of vnlearned…

Oberndorf, Johann

The practyse of cyrurgyons of Mountpyller

[author not specified],

An easie, certaine, and perfect method, to cure and preuent the Spanish sicknes. Wherby the…

Lowe, Peter

The whole course of chirurgerie, wherein is briefly set downe the causes, signes, prognostications & curations…

Lowe, Peter

A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition…

Lowe, Peter