Secrets were a popular genre in the period. They were collections of short items, including stories (often of a wondrous or startling sort); recipes for remedies; and a wide range of other items designed to amuse and instruct. The items are often arranged in what seems to be a random order.

A thousand notable things of sundrie sorts. Whereof some are wonderfull, some strange, some pleasant…

Lupton, Thomas

The treasurie of hidden secrets. Commonlie called, The good-huswiues closet of prouision, for the…

Partridge, John

The widdowes treasure. Plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approued secrets in phisicke and chirurgery…

Partridge, John

The secrets of Albertus Magnus

[author not specified],

The treasurie of hidden secrets. Commonlie called, the good husvviues closet of prouision, for the…

Partridge, John

A thousand notable things of sundrie sorts. Whereof some are wonderfull, some strange, some pleasant…

Lupton, Thomas

The secrets of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont, containing excellent remedies against diuerse diseases…

Ruscelli, Girolamo

The widdovves treasure. Plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approued secrets in phisicke and chirurgery…

Partridge, John

The treasurie of commodious conceits, and hidden secretes. Commonlie called The good huswiues closet of…

Partridge, John

A thousand notable things of sundry sortes. VVherof some are wonderfull, some strange, some plesant…

Lupton, Thomas