Baley |
Walter |
... discours of certain bathes or medicinall waters in the Countie of Warwicke... |
1587 |
Baley |
Walter |
... discours of certain bathes or medicinall waters in the Countie of Warwicke... |
1587 |
Bacon |
Roger |
...all of the beste waters artyfycialles... |
1550 |
[author not specified] |
...boke of the xxiiii. stones pryncipalles, that profyteth most to mans body… |
1528 |
[author not specified] |
...relation concerning the wonderfull and wholsome fountain...two miles from...Halberstadt |
1646 |
[author not specified] |
...short discourse of the vertue and operation of balsame |
1585 |
Caius |
John |
A boke, or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatyng sicknesse. |
1552 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knovvledge in three parts. The first, containing a brief introduction to astrology… |
1664 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knovvledge in three parts. The first, containing a brief introduction to astrology… |
1665 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knovvledge. In four parts. Part first; Shewing the nature of astrology by… |
1696 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knowledge in three parts : the first containing a brief introduction to astrology… |
1671 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knowledge in three parts, newly corrected and enlarged : the first containing a… |
1685 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knowledge, in three parts. First, containing a brief introduction to astrology, shewing… |
1679 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knowledge. In three parts. Newly corrected and enlarged. The first, containing a… |
1684 |
Strangehopes |
Samuel |
A book of knowledge. In three parts. The first, containing a brief introduction to astrology… |
1675 |
Du Chesne (Quercetanus) |
Joseph |
A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus… |
1591 |
Cary |
Walter |
A breefe treatise published by VValter Cary. 1587. and now the fyfth time. 1598. newly… |
1598 |
Cary |
Walter |
A breefe treatise, called Caryes farewell to physicke newlie imprinted and augmented: wherein are to… |
1587 |
Cocles |
Bartolommeo della Roca |
A brief and most pleasau[n]t epitomye of the whole art of phisiognomie, gathered… |
1556 |
Ghyles |
Thomas |
A brief and plain description of the joynt-sickness: also, an introduction, leading exactly to… |
1684 |
Jewel |
Edward |
A brief discourse of the stomach and parts subservient... |
1678 |
Thacher |
Thomas |
A brief rule to guide the common people of New-England how to order themselves… |
1678 |
Jorden |
Edward |
A briefe discourse of a disease called the suffocation of the mother. Written vppon occasion… |
1603 |
Cary |
Walter |
A briefe treatise published by Walter Cary 1587, and now the fift time 1609. newly… |
1609 |
Cary |
Walter |
A briefe tre[atise,] called Caries fare[well to] physicke: wherein a[re to] be… |
1583 |
Jones |
John |
A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing… |
1574 |
Jones |
John |
A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing… |
1574 |
Le Fèvre |
Nicaise |
A compendious body of chymistry: teaching the whole practice thereof by the most exact preparation… |
1664 |
Vesalius |
Andreas |
A compendious declaration of the excellent uertues of a certain lateli inuentid oile, callid for… |
1551 |
Le Fèvre |
Nicaise |
A compleat body of chymistry: vvherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to… |
1670 |