There are 589 books tagged with this term.
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[author not specified] An historical account of proceedings 1690
Blochwitz Martin Anatomia sambuci: or The anatomy of the elder: cutting out of it plain, approved, and… 1677
Blochwitz Martin Anatomia sambuci: or, The anatomie of the elder 1655
Blochwitz Martin Anatomia sambuci: or, The anatomie of the elder 1670
Haworth Samuel Anthropōlogia or, A philosophic discourse concerning man. Being the anatomy both of his soul and… 1680
Pitcairn Archibald Apollo staticus. Or, The art of curing fevers by the staticks: invented by Dr. Pitcairn… 1695
Ross Alexander Arcana microcosmi: or, The hid secrets of mans body disclosed; first, in an anatomical duel… 1651
Headrich John Arcana philosophia, or, Chymical secrets containing the noted and useful chymical medicines of Dr. Wil… 1697
Headrich John Arcana philosophica [sic] or, Chymical secrets, containing the noted and useful chymical medicines of Dr… 1697
Packe Christopher Armamentarium chymicum: or, A repository of [s]elect chymical medicines. Truly and faithfully [pr]epared… 1676
Groeneveld Joannes Arthritology: or, A discourse of the gout. Written by John Groenevelt, M.D. one of the… 1691
University of Cambridge Articles and orders agreed vpon by the right worshipfull Iohn Mansel Doctor of Divinitie, and… 1625
Wecker Johann Jacob Arts master-piece: or, The beautifying part of physick. Whereby all defects of nature in… 1660
Valentinus Basilius Basilius Valentinus, a Benedictine monk, Of natural & supernatural things. Also, of the first tincture, root… 1671
Pierce Robert Bath memoirs: or, observations in three and forty years practice, at the Bath, what cures… 1697
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both natural, pleasant, and delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel diuination… 1575
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable unto the art of chiromancie, or manuell diuination… 1633
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the art of chiromancie, or Manuell diuination… 1615
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the arte of chiromancy, or manuell diuination… 1598
Indagine Joannes ab Briefe introductions, bothe naturall, pleasaunte, and also delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel… 1558
Bullein William Bulleins bulwarke of defence against all sicknesse, soarenesse, and vvoundes that doe dayly assaulte mankinde… 1579
Bullein William Bulleins bulwarke of defe[n]ce againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily… 1562
Barclay William Callirhoe, commonly called the well of Spa... 1670
Barclay William Callirhoe, the nymph of Aberdene... 1615
Cary Walter Caries farewell to physicke. First published in the yeere 1587. and now, in 1611. reuiewed… 1611
Casimir John Catalogus medicamentorum chymicorum] or The treasury of chymical medicaments, being a catalogue of medicines carefully… 1682
Brooke Humphrey Cautionary rules for preventing the sickness published by order of the lord mayor… 1665
Galen Certaine vvorkes of Galens, called Methodus medendi, with a briefe declaration of the worthie art… 1586
Galen Certaine workes of Galens called Methodus medendi, with a briefe declaration of The worthie art… 1567
Markham Gervase Cheap and good husbandry, for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowls, and for… 1683