Moore |
Philip |
1580. An almanack and prognosticatio[n] for xxxiiii. yeeres, very profitable for all men, specially… |
1580 |
Dariot |
Claude |
A breefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres. VVhereby euerye… |
1583 |
Dariot |
Claude |
A briefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres. Whereby the… |
1598 |
Cuningham |
William |
A nevve almanacke and prognostication, collected for [the] yere of our Lord, M.D.Lviii wherein is… |
1558 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the auctor, contayning plaine, brief… |
1592 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe… |
1605 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, contayning plaine, briefe… |
1596 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, contayning playne, briefe… |
1574 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, frutefully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe… |
1564 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, frutefully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe… |
1567 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlasting of ryght good effecte, frutefully augmented by thauthor, co[n]teyning playne… |
1556 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlastinge of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the auctor, contayning plaine, briefe… |
1585 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlastinge of right good effecte, fruitfully augmented by the auctour, contayning plaine, briefe… |
1576 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlastinge of righte good effecte, fruictfully augmented by the auctour, contayning plain, briefe… |
1578 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication euerlastinge of righ[t] good effecte, fruitfully augmented by the auctour, contayning plaine… |
1584 |
Digges |
Leonard |
A prognostication of right good effect, fructfully augmented, contayninge playne, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules, to… |
1555 |
Culpeper |
Nicholas |
Culpepers Semeiotica uranica |
1658 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent profitable and pleasaunt booke of the famous doctor and expert astrologian Arcandam… |
1578 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent, profitable and pleasant book, of the famous doctor and expert astrologian Arcandam… |
1592 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent, profitable and pleasant, booke of the famous doctor and expert astrologian, Arcandam… |
1630 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent, profitable, and pleasant booke, of the famous doctor and expert astrologian, Arcandam… |
1598 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent, profitable, and pleasant booke, of the famous doctor and expert astrologian, Arcandam… |
1617 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent, profitable, and pleasant, booke of the famous doctor and expert astrologian, Arcandam… |
1630 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The most excellent, profitable, and pleasant, booke of the famous doctor, and expert astrologian, Arcandam… |
1637 |
Roussat |
Richard |
The] most excellent, profitable, and pleasant booke of the famous doctor and expert astrologian, Arcandam… |
1626 |