disease, single

A number of works focused on a single disease; plague was far and away the most common topic for such a work. Scurvy, gout, and ‘fevers’ were other topics o specific works. For us. ‘fever’ is a symptom, but it was understood as more of a multiform disease.

There are 245 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Harvey Gideon Morbus Anglicus, or A theoretick and practical discourse of consumptions, and hypochondriak melancholy. Comprizing their… 1672
Harvey Gideon Morbus anglicus: or The anatomy of consumptions 1672
Harvey Gideon Morbus Anglicus: or the anatomy of consumptions 1674
Harvey Gideon Morbus anglicus: or, The anatomy of consumptions 1666
Greaves Edward Morbus epidemius anni 1643, or, The new disease wi… 1643
Greaves Edward Morbus epidemius anni 1643. Englands new disease most contagious at present in Oxford. With the… 1643
Greaves Edward Morbus epidemius anni 1643. Englands new disease m… 1643
Greaves Edward Morbus epidemius anni 1643. Or, The new disease with the signes, causes, remedies. &c. Published… 1643
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos & polymorphæus a treatise of the scurvy : examining opinions of the most solid and… 1669
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos & polymorphæus a treatise of the scurvy, examining the different opinions and practice of… 1679
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos & polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy, examining opinions of the most solid and… 1669
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos & polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy, examining opinions of the most solid and… 1669
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos & polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy, examining the different opinions and practice, of… 1672
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos et polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy. By Everard Maynwaringe Doctor in Physick… 1666
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos et polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy. By Everard Maynwaringe Doctor in Physick… 1666
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos et polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy. By Everard Maynwaringe Doctor in Physick… 1666
Maynwaringe Everard Morbus polyrhizos et polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy. Examining opinions and errors, concerning the… 1665
Spon Issac Observations on fevers and febrifuges. Written in French by Monsieur Spon, one of the most… 1682
Harris Walter Pharmacologia anti-empirica: or A rational discourse of remedies both chymical and Galenical. Wherein chymistry… 1683
[author not specified] Pharmacopoeia Belgica 1699
Morton Richard Phthisiologia: or, A treatise of consumptions. Wherein the difference, nature, causes, signs, and cure of… 1694
Drage William Physical experiments being a plain description of the causes, signes, and cures of most diseases… 1668
[author not specified] Physicall directions in time of plague 1644
Bradwell Stephen Physick for the sicknesse, commonly called the plague. With all the particular signes and symptoms… 1636
Herring Francis Preservatives against the plague... 1665
Herring Francis Preservatives against the plague... 1641
Talbor Robert Pyretologia, a rational account of the cause & cure of agues, with their signes diagnostick & prognostick… 1672
[author not specified] Pyretologia, or A history of feavers 1674
[author not specified] Pyretologia, or A history of feavers 1674
H. C. Remarks on the giving vomits in fevers. In a letter to a friend. By H… 1700