The plague was probably the singe most feared disease in the early modern period, and a host of publications addressed its signs, treatment, and prevention.

There are 215 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
[author not specified] ... buried in London within the wals this weeke 1608
[author not specified] ...a litill boke necessarye [and] behouefull a[g]enst the pestilence 1485
[author not specified] ...many gode thinges necessaries for the infirmite... 1485
[author not specified] ...treatyse aeynst pestylence [et] of ye infirmities 1511
Dekker Thomas 1603. The vvonderfull yeare. Wherein is shewed the picture of London, lying sicke of the… 1603
Kemp William A brief treatise of the nature, causes, signes, preservation from, and cure of the pestilence… 1665
W. I. A briefe treatise of the plague vvherein is shewed, the naturall cause of the plague… 1603
T. W. A casting vp of accounts of certain errors, being answered in items, to the summa… 1603
J. W. A collection of ... approved receipts good against the plague. 1665
Bullein William A comfortable regiment, and a very wholsome order against the moste perilous pleurisi whereof many… 1562
Barbette Paul A complete treatise of chirurgery... 1674
Kellwaye Simon A defensatiue against the plague: contayning two partes or treatises: the first, shewing the meanes… 1593
Brewer Thomas A dialogue betvvixt a cittizen, and a poore countrey-man and his wife, in the… 1636
Brewer Thomas A dialogue betwixt a citizen, and a poore countrey-man and his wife, in the… 1636
Bullein William A dialogue bothe pleasant and pitifull, wherein is a godlie regimente against the feuer pestile… 1578
Bullein William A dialogue bothe pleasaunt and pietifull, wherein is a godlie regiment against the feuer pestilence… 1573
Bullein William A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull, wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer pestilence… 1564
Bullein William A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull, wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer pestilence… 1564
Dixon Roger A directory for the poor, against the plague and infectious diseases. 1665
Harvey Gideon A discourse of the plague. Containing the nature, causes, signs, and presages of the pestilence… 1665
Willis Thomas A help for the poor who are visited with the plague: to be communicated to… 1666
Fioravanti Leonardo A ioyfull iewell. Contayning aswell such excellent orders, preseruatiues and precious practises for the plague… 1579
Bèze Théodore de A learned treatise of the plague: wherein the two questions: whether the plague be infectious… 1665
[author not specified] a litle treatise very necessary, [and] behouefull... to preserue the people from... pestilence 1536
Garencières Theophilus A mite cast into the treasury of the famous city of London 1665
Garencières Theophilus A mite cast into the treasury of the famous city of London 1666
Garencières Theophilus A mite cast into the treasury of the famous city of London: being a brief… 1665
[author not specified] A moche profitable treatise against the pestilence... 1534
Herring Francis A modest defence of the caueat giuen to the wearers of impoisoned amulets, as preseruatiues… 1604
Boraston William A necessarie and briefe treatise of the contagious disease of the pestilence, with the causes… 1630