Boorde |
Andrew |
The breuiary of healthe, for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the which may be… |
1557 |
Boorde |
Andrew |
The breuiary of helthe, for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the whiche may be… |
1547 |
Makluire |
John |
The Buckler of bodilie health, whereby health may bee defended, and sickesse repelled: consecrate by… |
1630 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castel of health. Corrected and in some place augmented, by the fyrst author therof… |
1561 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castel of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the fyrst author therof… |
1547 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castel of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the fyrst author therof… |
1544 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castel of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the fyrste authour therof… |
1541 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castel of helth gathered and made by Syr Thomas Elyot knyghte, out of the… |
1539 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castel of helthe, gathered, and made by syr Thomas Elyot knight, out of the… |
1539 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of health corrected and in some places augmented, by the firste aucthor thereof… |
1576 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of health, corrected, and in some places augmented by the first author thereof… |
1587 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of health, corrected, and in some places augmented by the first author thereof… |
1595 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the first author therof… |
1550 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the first author therof… |
1557 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented… |
1560 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of helth corrected, and in some places augmented, by the first author therof… |
1572 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of helthe |
1537 |
Elyot |
Thomas |
The castell of helthe, gathered, oute of the chyefe authors of phisyke… |
1541 |
Elyot |
Thomas, Sir |
The castle of health, corrected, and in some places augmented by the first authour thereof… |
1610 |
Duncon |
Eleazar |
The copy of a letter written by E.D. Doctour of Physicke to a gentleman, by… |
1606 |
de Mediolano |
Johannes |
The English mans doctor. Or the schoole of Salerne. Or physicall obseruations for the perfect… |
1617 |
de Mediolano |
Joannes |
The English mans doctor. Or, The schoole of Salerne. Or physicall obseruations for the perfect… |
1624 |
de Mediolano |
Joannes |
The Englishmans docter. Or, The schoole of Salerne. Or, physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing… |
1607 |
de Mediolano |
Joannes |
The Englishmans doctor. Or, The schoole of Salerne. Or, Physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing… |
1608 |
de Mediolano |
Joannes |
The Englishmans doctor. Or, The schoole of Salerne. Or, Physicall obseruations for the perfect preseruing… |
1609 |
Clever |
William |
The flower of phisicke. VVherein is perfectlie comprehended a true introduction and method for mans… |
1590 |
H. |
B. |
The glasse of mans folly, and meanes to amendment, for the health and wealth of… |
1615 |
[author not specified] |
The gouernall of helth… |
1530 |
Plutarch |
The gouernau[n]ce of good helthe, by the moste excellent phylosopher Plutarche, the most… |
1549 |
Bullein |
William |
The gouernment of health: a treatise written by William Bullein, for the especiall good and… |
1595 |