remedy, single

Many works addressed themselves to just a single remedy. Some were advertisements for a specific pill, often made only by a single provider, but others examined new remedies from the New World or Asia.

There are 346 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Fletcher Richard The vertues of that well known and often-experienced medicine Fletcher’s powder… 1677
Richardson Robert The virtues of the royal cephalick medicinal snuff, prepared by Doctor Robert Richardson of Leeds… 1700
Evans John The vniversall medicine: or The vertues of the antimoniall cup. Collected out of the experiments… 1634
Sennert Daniel The vveapon-salves maladie: or, A declaration of its insufficiencie to performe what is attributed… 1637
Bertholdus Andreas The vvonderfull and strange effect and vertues of a new Terra sigillata lately found out… 1587
Carew Richard The warming stone. Excellent helps really found out, tried, and had, by a warming stone… 1640
Carew Richard The warming-stone, first found out by Sir Richard Carew, Baronet, who was himself cured… 1670
Rhodokanakēs Kōnstantinos Theoy eudokountos the great preserver of mankind, which is alexicacus spirit of salt of the… 1676
Choke John Those incomparable neck-laces, which were prepared by that great traveller, Major John Choke, one… 1680
[author not specified] Three infallible cures 1690
[author not specified] Two broad-sides against tobacco 1672
Byfield Timothy Two discourses one of consumptions, with their cure by a new method : the other contains… 1685
Busschof Hermann Two treatises 1676
Hinde Thomas Under God; humbly desiring his blessing to this famous and wonderful never-failing cordial drink… 1678
[author not specified] Venus with her crown 1700
[author not specified] Without Temple-Bar, in St. Clements little church-yard... 1680