practitioner, promotional

Many an advertisement was for a practitioner, not a specific remedy. Itinerant healers in particular would print up a bunch of handbooks when they arrived in town, advising of their arrival, while established healers might also advertise in broadsides, or, more subtly in the prefaces to their books.

There are 198 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
[author not specified] At the sign of the Moon and Stars in Leopard’s Court in Baldwins-Gardens near… 1690
[author not specified] At the sign of the two faces, upon great Tower-Hill, a little above the… 1699
[author not specified] At the sign of the Wheat-Sheaf in Bedford-Berry, (near Covent-Garden) up one… 1685
Bartlett C. Bartlett, at the Golden Ball, by the tavern in Prescot-street... 1660
Bateman Robert Batemans hue-and-cry... 1680
Bowden Nicholas Be it knowne vnto all men, that I Nicholas Bowden chirurgion, cutter of the stone… 1605
Socburgh Willemina Sasbout van Beloved Reader, being lately come into this kingdom, I do according to my duty, make… 1690
Blagrave Charles Blagrave’s advertisement for his spirits of scurvey-grass… 1680
Tilborgh James By Doctor James Tilborgh, famous ... for curing the French pox... 1675
Jones George By George Jones of Hatton-Garden Holborn, A corner-house, three doors from the Sign… 1675
Jones George By George Jones of Hatton-Garden, Holbourn a corner house, three doors from the sign… 1674
Newman John By his Majesties authority. These are to give notice unto all persons, that there is… 1680
Tilburg Cornelius By His Majesties license, and special approbation. Of the true Orvietan, or antidote. Experimented before… 1689
[author not specified] By the King and Queens Authority. These are to give notice, that here is lately… 1694
[author not specified] By the King’s authority. At the Angel and Ball, within 3 doors of St. Clements… 1695
Tilburg Cornelius By their Majesties special license and authority. From my house in Bridges-Street in Covent… 1689
Love Jeremiah Clavis medicinæ, or, A new method of physick shewing divers rare and special remedies for… 1675
Merry Nathaniel Cure for the dogmatical incurables, performed in matter of fact by N. Merry philo-chym… 1682
Allen Charles Curious observations in... chirurgery, relating to the teeth 1687
Case John Dear friends, let your disease be what God will, pray to him for a cure… 1695
Saffold Thomas Dear friends, let your disease be what God will[,] pray to him for a cure… 1682
Buckworth Edmund Directions for taking the so much approved lozanges… 1660
Belke Michael Directions..., touching the proper use of... Dr. De-Laun’s head-pills 1667
Blagrave Charles Doctor Blagrave’s excellent and highly approved spirits of scurvey-grass, both plain and the golden… 1680
Gerardts Gonsale Doet niet sonder Godt, op dat ghy niet en wort bespot; ick en wil my… 1695
Gerardts Gonsale Doet niet sonder Godt, op dat ghy niet en wort bespot; ick en wil my… 1695
Lockyer Lionel Dr. Lockyer’s vindication; and an infallible experimental confirmation of the vertues of his universal pill… 1658
Bateman Robert Eminent cures lately performed... by Batemans ; Spirits of scurvey-grass… 1681
Merry Nathaniel Evident satisfa[cti]on to the sick and lame; by Nath. Merry, student in physick… 1682
[author not specified] For the scurvey, pox, and dropsie 1700