general medical guide

Many such guides were produced in our period; they purport to offer a complete survey of healing, with definitions of diseases, symptoms, and therapeutics, often aimed at household use.

There are 170 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Smith John A compleat practice of physick. Wherein is plainly described, the nature, causes, dofferences, and signs… 1656
Chamberlen Hugh A few queries relating to the practice of physick, with remarks upon some of them… 1694
Sermon William A friend to the sick: or, The honest English mans preservation. Shewing the causes, symptoms… 1673
Platter Felix A golden practice of physick. In five books, and three tomes. After a new, easie… 1662
Bonet Théophile A guide to the practical physician: shewing, from the most approved authors, both ancient and… 1686
Bonet Théophile A guide to the practical physician: shewing, from the most approved authors, both ancient and… 1684
Partlicius Simeon A new method of physick: or, A short view of Paracelsus and Galen’s practice; in… 1654
Pechey John A plain introduction to the art of physick, containing the fundamentals, and necessary preliminaries to… 1697
B. C. A short-method of physick 1659
[author not specified] Advice to a physician 1695
Wedel Georg Wolfgang An introduction to the whole practice of physick. Shewing the natures and faculties of medicines… 1685
Durant John Art and nature joyn hand in hand. Or, The poor mans daily companion. 1697
Blagrave Joseph Blagrave’s astrological practice of physick. Discovering the true way to cure all kinds of diseases… 1689
Love Jeremiah Clavis medicinæ, or, A new method of physick shewing divers rare and special remedies for… 1675
Love Jeremiah Clavis medicinæ: or, The practice of physick reformed: wherein is described the nature and cause… 1674
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper's last legacy… 1655
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper's last legacy… 1657
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1671
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1676
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1685
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1655
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1657
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1662
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy 1668
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being… 1677
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s school of physick 1678
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s school of physick 1678
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s school of physick 1696
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s school of physick. Or The experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contained… 1659
Culpeper Nicholas Culpeper’s school of physick: Or The experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contained… 1678