Smyth |
...the iudgeme[n]t of all vrynes |
1555 |
[author not specified] |
...the seing of urynes... |
1575 |
[author not specified] |
...the seing of urynes... |
1552 |
[author not specified] |
...the seing of urynes... |
1557 |
[author not specified] |
...the seyng of urynes... |
1540 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes, of all the colours that uryns be of... |
1525 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes... |
1544 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes... |
1526 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes... |
1540 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes... |
1541 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes... |
1562 |
[author not specified] |
...the seynge of urynes… |
1548 |
Vasseus |
Joannes |
Here beginnith a litel treatise conteyninge the iugeme[n]t of vrynes most necessary for… |
1553 |
Record |
Robert |
The vrinal of physicke. |
1599 |
Hart |
James |
The anatomie of vrines. Containing the conuiction and condemnation of them. Or, the second part… |
1625 |
Hart |
James |
The anatomie of vrines. Divided into two books. Detecting and unfolding the manifold falshoods and… |
1652 |
Forrest |
Pieter van |
The arraignment of vrines: vvherein are set downe the manifold errors and abuses of ignorant… |
1623 |
Fletcher |
John |
The differences, causes, and iudgements of vrine according to the best writers thereof, both old… |
1598 |
Fletcher |
John |
The differences, causes, and iudgements of vrine; according to the best writers thereof, both old… |
1621 |
[author not specified] |
The iudycyall of vryns |
1527 |
[author not specified] |
The iudycyall of vryns |
1527 |
Record |
Robert |
The judgment of urines. By Robert Record Doctor of Physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious… |
1679 |
Record |
Robert |
The urinal of physick. By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious… |
1651 |
Record |
Robert |
The urinal of physick. By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious… |
1665 |
Record |
Robert |
The vrinal of physick. |
1582 |
Record |
Robert |
The vrinal of physick. Composed by Mayster Robert Recorde: Doctor of Physicke… |
1547 |
Record |
Robert |
The vrinal of physick. Composed by Mayster Robert Recorde: Doctor of Physicke… |
1548 |
Record |
Robert |
The vrinall of physick, composed by Maister Robert Recorde, Doctor of Physicke… |
1567 |
Fernel |
Jean |
Two treatises the first of pulses, the second of urines. By John Fernelius, Abdiah Cole… |
1662 |