
The modern specialty of obstetrics and gynecology did not exists as such in the early modern period. Physicians might deal with women’s reproductive health, but the more common reproductive healer was the midwife.

There are 83 books tagged with this term.
Last Name First Name Title Sort descending Date
Jorden Edward A briefe discourse of a disease called the suffocation of the mother. Written vppon occasion… 1603
la Vauguion M. A compleat body of chirurgical operations, containing the whole practice of surgery. With observations and… 1699
Culpeper Nicholas A directory for midwives: or A guid for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling… 1652
Chamberlayne Thomas A full supply of such most useful and admirable secrets, which Mr. Nicholas Culpeper, in… 1659
Pechey John A general treatise of the diseases of maids, bigbellied women, child-bed-women, and widows… 1696
Oliver John A present to be given to teeming women, by their husbands, or friends. Containing directions… 1694
Shirley John A short compendium of chirurgery: containing its grounds & principles, more particularly treating of impostumes, wounds… 1683
Shirley John A short compendium of chirurgery: containing its grounds & principles. More particularly treating of imposthumes, wounds… 1678
Blégny Nicholas A true history of a child anatomized: which remained twenty five years in his mothers… 1680
Inglish Isabella Advertisement. At the Hand and Pen near the King’s Bagnio in Long-Acre, liveth Mrs… 1690
[author not specified] Advice to ladies, gentlewomen, and others. The doctor’s wife... 1680
[author not specified] An account of the causes of some particular rebellious distempers, viz. the scurvy, cancers in… 1670
Maris Elizabeth At the Blew-Ball in Grays-Inn Lane near Holborn Barrs, next door to a… 1700
Socburgh Willemina Sasbout van Beloved Reader, being lately come into this kingdom, I do according to my duty, make… 1690
Guillemeau Jacques Child-birth or, The happy deliuerie of vvomen. VVherein is set downe the gouernment of… 1612
Guillemeau Jacques Child-birth or, The happy delivery of vvomen. VVherein is set downe the government of… 1635
Massaria Alessandro De morbis fœmineis, The womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian, enlarged. Modestly treating of such… 1686
Massaria Alessandro De morbis fœmineis, The womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian, enlarged. Modestly treating of such… 1659
Massaria Alessandro De morbis fœmineis, the womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian. Modestly treating of such occult… 1657
Chamberlen Peter Dr. Chamberlain’s midwifes practice: or, a guide for women in that high concern of conception… 1665
Trigg William Dr. Trigg’s secrets, arcana’s & panacea’s approved by his long admired experience and practice, whereby he… 1665
[author not specified] Every woman her own midwife 1675
Merry Nathaniel Evident satisfa[cti]on to the sick and lame; by Nath. Merry, student in physick… 1682
Tryon Thomas Healths grand preservative: or The womens best doctor. A treatise, shewing the nature and operation… 1682
Tryon Thomas Healths grand preservative: or The womens best doctor. A treatise, shewing the nature and operation… 1682
[author not specified] In James’s-street in Covent-garden, over against the Naggs-head... 1690
Trye Mary Medicatrix, or The woman-physician: vindicating Thomas O’Dowde, a chymical physician, and royal licentiate; and… 1675
Tryon Thomas Miscellania: or, A collection of necessary, useful, and profitable tracts on variety of subjects, which… 1696
Brown Thomas Nature’s cabinet unlock’d 1657
Thomson George Ortho-methodoz itro-chymikē: or the direct method of curing chymically. Wherein is conteined [sic… 1675