Mysterium sigillorum, herbarum & lapidum. Containing a compleat cure of all sicknesses and diseases of mind… |
Israel Hiebner |
1698 |
Occult physick, or The three principles in nature anatomized by a philosophical opperation [sic], taken… |
William Williams |
1660 |
Philosophical & astrological rare secrets... |
John Axford |
1693 |
Physical observations, for the year 1671 |
William Andrews |
1671 |
Physicall and chymicall vvorks, composed by Geor. Phædro, sirnamed the Great, of Gelleinen; viz. 1… |
George Fedro von Rodach |
1654 |
Practical astrology. In two parts. The first part containeth an easie introduction to the whole… |
John Middleton |
1679 |
Prognosticacion, drawen out of the bookes of Ipocras, Auicen, and other notable auctours of physycke… |
[author not specified] |
1545 |
Semeiotica uranica. Or an astrological judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick; 1… |
Nicholas Culpeper |
1651 |
The astrological judgment and practice of physick. Deduced from the position of the heavens at… |
Richard Saunders |
1677 |
The astrological judgment and practice of physick. Deduced from the position of the heavens at… |
Richard Saunders |
1677 |