PERSON Lownes, H. First Name First Name H. Last Name Last Name Lownes ID ID 694 Printed Books A closet for ladies and gentlewomen (1624) A treatise, vvherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases… (1615) Caries farewell to physicke. First published in the yeere 1587. and now, in 1611. reuiewed… (1611) Certaine philosophical preparations of foode and beuerage for sea-men, in their long voyages: with… (1607) Delightes for ladies, to adorn their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories: with beauties, banquets, perfumes… (1608) The birth of man-kinde; otherwise named The womans booke. Set forth in English by… (1626) The triall of tabacco. Wherein, his worth is most worthily expressed: as, in the name… (1610)