[author not specified],
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Last Name
[author not specified]
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Authored Books
... Gouernayle of helthe (1490) harbal. (1541) herbal (1541)
...the seing of urynes... (1552)
...the seing of urynes... (1557)
...the seing of urynes... (1575)
...the seyng of urynes... (1540)
...the seynge of urynes... (1526)
...the seynge of urynes... (1540)
...the seynge of urynes... (1541)
...the seynge of urynes... (1544)
...the seynge of urynes... (1562)
...the seynge of urynes… (1548)
...the treasure of poore men (1539)
...the treasure of poore men (1546)
...the treasure of poore men (1560)
...the treasure of poore men (1565)
...the treasure of pore men (1539)
...the treasure of pore men (1540)
...the treasure of pore men (1544)
...the treasure of pore men (1547)
...the Treasure of pore men (1548)
...the Treasure of pore men (1551)
...the treasure of pore men (1555)
...the treasure of pore men (1556)
...the treasure of pore men (1575)
...the Treasure of pore men… (1526)
...two monsters... (1696)
A book of fruits & flovvers (1656)
A book of fruits & flovvers (1656)
A book of fruits & flowers (1653)
A helpe to discourse (1635)
A helpe to discourse (1636)
A miracle of miracles (1649)
A newe herball of Macer... (1543)
A physical dictionary (1657)
A physical dictionary (1657)
A potion for an apothecary (1662)
Advice to a physician (1695)
An English herbal (1690)
At the Crown in Ivey-Lane... (1675)
Every woman her own midwife (1675)
Macers herbal... (1552)
Medicines against the pest (1645)
Natures refuge (1664)
Pharmacopoea Belgica (1659)
Pharmacopoeia Belgica (1699)
Pharmacopæia Cromwelliensis (1659)
Symptomes of the pox (1690)
The antidotharius (1542)
The antidotharius... (1535)
The antidotharius... (1535)
The antidotharius... (1548)
The antidotharius... (1552)
The antidotharius... (1554)
The antidotharius... (1556)
The boke of knowledge (1548)
The boke of knowledge (1555)
The compleat servant-maid (1683)
The compleat servant-maid (1685)
The country-mans physician (1680)
The English midwife enlarged (1682)
The gouernall of helth… (1530)
The greate herball... (1561)
The grete herball... (1526)
The grete herball... (1529)
The grete herball... (1529)
The iudycyall of vryns (1527)
The iudycyall of vryns (1527)
The ladies cabinet opened (1639)
The philosophers banquet (1609)
The powder of simpathy (1695)
The problems of Aristotle (1647)
The problems of Aristotle (1649)
The problems of Aristotle (1661)
The problems of Aristotle... (1638)
The Queens closet opened (1658)
The Queens closet opened (1659)
The Queens closet opened (1661)
The Queens closet opened (1671)
The Queens closet opened (1674)
The Queens closet opened (1683)
The Red-crosse (1636)
The treasure of poore men (1601)
The vvestern vvonder (1697)
The Westminster doctor (1685)
Three infallible cures (1690)
Venus with her crown (1700)