PERSON Royal College of Physicians of London, Last Name Last Name Royal College of Physicians of London ID ID 608 Authored Books A short account of the proceedings of the College of Physicians, London, in relation to… (1697) A short state of the case between the physicians & surgeons. Relating to the surgeons bill… (1695) An exact account of all who are the present members of the King’s College of… (1676) Answers to the objections against the college-bill… (1689) Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague as for preventing the… (1665) Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague, as for preventing the… (1665) Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection… (1636) Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection… (1636) Having received from an excellent person a receipt of a sovereign water for the plague… (1665) Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI books. Translated into English for the… (1682) Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI. Books. Translated into English for the… (1691) Pharmacopœia Londinensis. Or, the New London dispensatory. In VI. books. Translated into English for the… (1691) The catalogue of the fellows and other members of the Royal College of Physicians, London… (1696) The catalogue of the fellows and other members of the Royal College of Physicians, London… (1696) The Colledge of Physitians desireth only such new powers as may enable them to put… (1622) The Kings medicines for the plague, prescribed for the yeare 1604. by the whole Colledge… (1636) The Kings medicines for the plague. Prescribed for the yeare 1604. by the whole Colledge… (1630) The Kings medicines for the plague. Prescribed in the year, 1604, by the whole Collodge… (1665) The King’s medicines for the plague. Prescribed for the year, 1604. by the whole Collodge… (1665) The Statutes of the Colledge of Physicians London: worthy to be perused by all men… (1693) The Statutes of the Colledge of Physicians London: worthy to be perused by all men… (1698)